Rehearse the adventure

Warm up by telling a prepared story as an example.

Suggested Time

15-20 Minutes


3-5 people, stakeholders


Interesting stories, triggering questions

Process Phase

Bring’em all




Use an interesting story to bring the participants into the context.

Warm up by providing example of the expected outcome.

Share a story that’s related to the topic. Ask triggering questions and answer them.

Expected outcome

Enthusiastically discussions


  1. An interesting story is always a nice way to bring people in.

  2. A real story is crucial, if you are not a good storyteller, a video or acting out are also good choices.

This project was designed at Umeå Institute of Design, as the deliverable material in the course "Communication Design for Co-creation "

Copyright © 2024. Designed by team Dide Sevincok, Hanxiong Zhang and Xingyu Liu