Collage Story

Use collage to visualize the experiences from participants, and create something to point at for sharing.

Suggested Time

15 - 20 Minutes


3-5 people, stakeholders


Collage image materials,


Pens, sticky notes, etc.

Process Phase

Bring’em all




First, participants create collages of their own experience;
After finishing, participants share their collage and tell the story with each other;
Before selecting one experience, dig into more details with prepared question tokens. The participants should select one token randomly and answer them.

Expected outcome

Exchange of interesting experiences;
Select one interesting experience


  1. Pre-cut the image sheets to save time;

  2. Don’t intervene too much during the making process.

This project was designed at Umeå Institute of Design, as the deliverable material in the course "Communication Design for Co-creation "

Copyright © 2024. Designed by team Dide Sevincok, Hanxiong Zhang and Xingyu Liu