Future Scenarios

Share the stories and turn them into future scenarios

Suggested Time

15 - 20 Minutes


3-5 people, stakeholders



Map of related locations,

Backdrop images,

Character figures,


Stiky notes,

Paper and pens

Process Phase

Bring’em all




Change the selected story by asking “what ifs. Diverge thinking, and use frames to focus the vision. Continuously generating “what ifs, set them down on sticky notes, look at them and discuss them together.
Select one “what if” and make it into a future service scenario. Select backdrop images, and character figures and shoot a one-shot video to demonstrate.
Finish by coming up with a concise slogan for the potential service. Don’t forget to set that down on a poster.

Expected outcome

Juicy possibilities for potential services;
A one-shot video of one specific future service

scenario for all the stakeholders to look at;
A poster with a slogan of the chosen service


Give an example before getting into a “what if” session (but make sure not to limit or guide them);
Don’t engage too much during the ideation process.
Why not create a relaxing atmosphere with a popcorn movie time at the end of the workshop?

This project was designed at Umeå Institute of Design, as the deliverable material in the course "Communication Design for Co-creation "

Copyright © 2024. Designed by team Dide Sevincok, Hanxiong Zhang and Xingyu Liu